The Mount in Prayer – Virtual
8:30 pm - 9:30 pm
Women At Prayer-Conference Call
7:00 am - 8:00 am
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The administrative ministries of Paramount Baptist Church are dedicated to the service of stewardship to the church, the community and everyone who comes to worship here. We welcome your prayers, your support, your input, and your constructive criticism.
The Board of Trustees derives its authority to organize and operate under the Constitution and By-Laws of the Paramount Baptist Church, and the state and federal laws applicable to non-profit organizations. There are currently 15 Trustees. The members of the present Board are:
Trustee Ministry
Chairman: Trustee Andrei Coley
Vice Chairman: Trustee Dwayne Ross, Sr.
Ministry Members:
- Michele Bailey, Trustee-in-Training
- William Davis, Trustee-in-Training
- Barbara Durant-Bey
- Woodrow Hall
- Floyd Merriman
- Veronica Monk
- Charles Nelson, Jr.
- Donald Rose
- Shirley Smith
- John Spann, Sr.
- Benjamin Stevenson
- Dorothy Stewart
Administrative Staff:
- Church Treasurer: Barbara Durant-Bey
- Church Financial Secretary/Chairperson Finance Committee: Dorothy Stewart
- Church Clerk: Shirl Ross
- Church Assistant Clerk: Vacant