Men’s Ministry Game Night
Who: The Men’s Ministry of the Mount
What: Game Night on Game Night
When: Friday, August 11th, 2023 6pm-9pm
Where: Jenkins Row Potomac Room 1344 Potomac Ave, SE Washington, DC 20003
Why: Hey, Men of the Mount, let’s get together and fellowship over some football, food, and fun. Join the Men’s Ministry as the Washington Commanders take on the Cleveland Browns in their first preseason game of the year. Put on your trivia caps and be prepared to play some games as the game is being played. Trivia categories will include but are not limited to history, geography, The Bible, sports, food, and other fun topics. Football fodder (food) will be provided. Registration is strongly encouraged so we can be prepared. Please register by Wednesday, August 9th.
We look forward to dwelling together in friendship and brotherly love.